YouTuber finished it in Patras: Walked all over the city center in a revealing Borat swimsuit (vid)

YouTuber finished it in Patras: Walked all over the city center in a revealing Borat swimsuit (vid)

The residents of Patras were stunned when they saw a young man walking around the center in a revealing Borat swimsuit.

Its inhabitants were shocked Patras with the sight they witnessed in the center of the city. A young man decided to do it Borat Challengetraversing the streets of the city in the revealing green swimsuit.

The reason for him YouTuber Foteino Moulawho decided to do it viral challenge in the center of the Achaean capital, walking to busy places, such as Olga Square and Riga Ferraiou.

After disguising himself with the relevant wig and moustache, the young man YouTuber he was left with only the revealing green one-piece swimsuit and began his walk through all the main streets of Patras, with the camera following him and recording the reactions. “Everyone is proud of you, you’re a model!”his friends who accompanied him called him.

Speaking to dete.grstated: “I did it for fun, for me and my friends to laugh. It’s a message to the world to put some craziness into their lives. People looked at me a little strange at first, but then they laughed».

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