Zambia: Drunken guard frees 13 prisoners (vid)

Zambia: Drunken guard frees 13 prisoners (vid)

A comical tragedy happened on New Year’s Eve in a Zambian prison after a drunken policeman freed 13 prisoners.

A police officer from Zambiain a drunken state, forcibly grabbed the keys of a colleague and unlocked the doors of the cells, a prison of male and female inmates in the prison. “He told them to leave and that they were free to celebrate the coming of the new year“, she said police in her statement.

Of the 15 prisoners who were in the specific cells, the 13 they didn’t think much of it: “they hastened to disappear and are now fugitivessaid the police spokesman, Rae Hamunga.

These include people who have been convicted of serious crimes crimes and the fact that he left them may be a danger to the public safety“, he added. The 13 are wanted, while o policeman who freed them has been arrested.

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