The most toxic island in the world is located in Japan and you need to wear a gas mask to be allowed to enter.
The “deadly” island in Japan is called Miyake-jima and everyone must carry gas masks to avoid inhaling poisonous gases.
The popular travel destination attracts thousands of visitors annually, mainly due to its stunning views, black sand beaches and diving opportunities – as well as the almost crystal clear sea. It is known by the locals as Gas Mask Islandand while many choose to hike to the top of the towering Mt Oyama of the island to enjoy it all, in fact there are parts of the island that are out of bounds for residents and tourists.
It is located approx 177 kilometers southeast of the Japanese capital Tokyo and it is a volcanic island that belongs to the island complex Izuwhich also contributes to the creation of the National Park Fuji-Hakone-Izu.
But why is the air on the island toxic?
First, it’s not all toxic: some areas are more harmful than others, and residents are only sometimes required to wear gas masks. The reason is the term Oyamaa volcano of height 759 of measures that spews poisonous sulphurous gas with little warning, which forces them too 3,000 residents of the island to take their precautions.
This is done for their health, as the last big explosion in September 2000released such a large amount of volcanic gas and sulfur dioxide that the island was evacuated. More than four years later, in February 2005residents were allowed to return after a four-year period of volcanic emissions.
The flights to the island were stopped until 2008 after this mass event, as they were deemed dangerous. But now, tourists are arriving on the island of their own free will, as a YouTuber, o Josep Bautistavlogged his visit to the Japanese island.
He presented the attractions of the island, such as the black sand beaches. Viewers may have noticed that he didn’t have a gas mask with him, which he explained: “Miyake-jima is known as ‘the toxic island and people wear gas masks all the time. There are certain areas we can’t go (to), like the whole center of it. Where we are, it is not necessary to cover ourselves with a mask».